Monday, September 10, 2007

Who am I?

My name is Bev and this is my first year at the University. This is my third year of post-secondary education and I'm very excited to be in the Faculty of Education. I am from Northern Alberta and I have spent much of my time in the mountains working with young people, so coming to Southern Alberta has been a bit of a culture shock. I first realized that I wanted to go into Education in the summer before my grade twelve year. I was sitting around a campfire listening to my parents talk about a teacher that had had a very negative effect on my younger brother. As I listened to them discuss a teacher's impact on students, I suddenly realized that I wanted to be one who impacted the lives of students, only for the positive not the negative. As I sat in that chair staring into the fire, it was as if I received a special call to go into teaching and in that moment I felt a love and a passion well up in my heart that has continued to grow even up to this day. One of my favorite things to do is work at summer camp and I have spent the last four summers working as a camp counselor and wrangler. And I love nothing more than watching young people learn and grow over the course of a week and then seeing how much they change from year to year. I love watching the light come on in their eyes when they finally understand how to sit on a horse. Or watching their confidence grow, as their experience broadens and they become more and more sure of themselves. Kids and teenagers have so much life and passion in them and so much to offer the world, and I love being a part of that exploration and quest. I am very excited to begin my career as a teacher.

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