Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cool Science Interaction!

Subject: Science
Grade: Three

Description: I would use this website as a fun activity for grade three students as an introduction the Testing and Design unit. I would have each student work individually or in partners to try and complete the puzzle. I think it would be a fun way to get students thinking about how systems are designed and suitable materials to use in real life designs.
I would then have the students plan out a simple machine that they could design and build.

Planning and Prep: I would email the direct link to each student, (having checked it works of course) to save time having them find the site. This would eliminate wasting time (at my practicum the school has provided each student with an email account). The game may take an entire class for some students. Having some of them in partners allows students to help each other out. Not all students are computer savvy or mechanically minded. As they finish they could then move back into the classroom. In groups of three, they are given a handout with the activity explained. Each group will have access to a number of items (wood, cans, nails, doweling, hinges, rubber tubing, etc.) As a group they would begin to design their own machine on poster paper that is provided. The design process may take some time, potentially another class. However, boredom would hopefully be abated by the thought that they actually would get to build their machine once the teacher has approved their design. Once students have a teacher approved design, it is construction time!

3–8 Evaluate the suitability of different materials and designs for their use in a building task.

5. Apply procedures to test different designs.

ICT Outcomes:
C6- Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems.
C7- Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.
F6-Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.
P2-Students will organize and manipulate data.

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